I keep asking myself, "How can I thank God for this disease(s)?" Yes, diseases plural because this week I found out I have Celiac. Well, I actually was thankful to find this out because it was one more piece to the puzzle. So, I have been telling God that I am having a difficult time saying thank you for where I am at right now. Then, I am reminded that I am in the wilderness with a raging storm. When I am in the "wilderness" the main thing I am thankful for is to know that I am being made stronger in character. That God is moving and molding my life and that it will effect others.
There was a really amazing sermon preached a while back by Keith Simon entitled Living in the Wilderness . I can't tell you how much this sermon has helped me. Honestly, I am not going to try to explain it because you really need to hear it. Really! It doesn't matter if you are sick or healthy this sermon will impact your life at some point, in some way, and you will be able to go back to God's word and remember that he knows right where you are at and is in control.
One more thing that I want to share that has been a real comfort to me for quite a few years now, during other storms in my life is a song by Casting Crowns entitled "Praise You in this Storm." No matter what our circumstance we can praise God, because no matter how awful we feel or how desperate our situation, or how much we just want to disappear, WE ARE NOT ALONE.
Kelly I know we dont really know each other except through mutual friends but I am thankful for your posts...life is hard and broken this side of Heaven.Praise you in this storm is a beautiful song and was majorly impactful to my life in 2009 when our baby daughter died. I am so sorry you are going through this! My husband has nerve damage from a recent fall and is dealing with constant pain right now...it is so difficult to watch him suffer and so hard for him to not be the daddy to our 5 kiddos he wants to be right now. Know that you are not alone and are in our prayers!