Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Paleo f(x)

I am so happy to share that I made it to bible study this morning!! Something I have been praying I would be able to do. It is no small feat; just trying to concentrate for 2 hours is challenging. So that is my "praise report" of the day.

On another note…
A friend of mine sent me this blog post about a teenager battling Chronic Lyme and how the Paleo f(x) diet has helped her. I really don't know much about this, but one thing I did find on their blog is about sugar addiction. I know from personal experience that sugar is BAD for people with Lyme. It is something that I go in spurts of really wanting, and when I give in I always pay for it. I would be very interested to hear from other Lymies who have found relief from a sugar free and or Paleo diet. Here is a video from the Paleo f(x) blog.
      "In this Paleo f(x)™ talk, Dr. Nicole Avena explains the concept of sugar addiction. Studies have shown that excess intake of carbohydrates can produce behaviors and changes in the brain that resemble drug addiction."


  1. Kelly, Glad you found some of this insightful. I do not have Lyme's, but my mom has several autoimmune diseases (Fibromyalgia, Rheumatoid Arthritis & a blood clotting disorder) Anyway, I myself have Stage 4 Endometriosis & the biggie PCOS. I HAD Insulin Resistance & a myriad of other issues. I just wanted to tell you additionally that during some Infertility treatments, the meds combined with the stress of it all, I gained a lot of weight. There's much to my story, but the short of it is, I went low carb a few years ago. (No white refined flours, no processed junk, no sugar etc.) I quickly lost 70 pounds & my labs look like those of an athlete, which I am not. I still have weight to lose & have been in a bit of a stall, but I have lost & kept off the 70 & feel well! My mom has a very hard time sticking to this way of eating, but when she has done so, she feels better than ever in her life. This way of eating has reversed my Insulin Resistance, put my PCOS into remission & so many other things! It's worth a try is what I'd say.... but, as you have found, once you give in, it's like starting over. Eat sugar & crave more sugar & boy, do you feel badly in addition. If you have any questions that I might be able to answer, I'd be glad to try. I also have a friend who is a physician who has been eating Paleo for a long time & has lots of info. that's helpful as well.

  2. Oh, & it's also worth noting, this way of eating, the thing that makes it difficult for many is that it IS all or nothing. You either do it or don't. Any sugar consumption or foods, beverages or sauces that are not on the plan, well, it's a big set back that can take days & sometimes for some weeks to come back from. It's very black & white, but that is also why it works well for some. There isn't a gray area. There is much to choose from & as with most things the Internet is a WEALTH of knowledge that I've found to be mostly very accurate & helpful!
