Sunday, April 27, 2014

Lyme and Exercise

I love hot yoga. I stretch my body and focus my mind all in presence of infrared heat. Oh, so nice. Until later. Detox time. My body is so toxic that when I induce sweating and raising my body's internal temperature, I end up "herxing." Herxing, short for Jarisch-Herxheimer, is not a bad thing, but it is difficult to endure. It often occurs with large doses of antibiotics, but I have found that it occurs with alternative treatments as well. Basically what happens is the dead bacteria release their toxins into the blood and tissues. This provokes an inflammatory response that is exaggerated.

Recently I have had such intense regression that Hot Yoga has not been something my body can handle. However, just laying in the infrared heat can be beneficial.

"Sweating in the infrared sauna flushes fat-soluble toxins (including heavy metals) out of the body via the skin. This detoxification which occurs at the lower heat available in infrared saunas assists the immune system and the healing process while increasing circulation, invigorating the body and allowing the meds to reach all parts of the body in a more efficient manner. Infrared sauna therapy also relaxes the muscles and joints, giving the patient some relief from their pain."
 -Quote from Sunlighten

In addition to infrared heat, exercise is very important for Lyme sufferers. This may sound impossible to you as it often does to me. When you can barely move or get yourself out of bed due to pain and discomfort, exercise is the last thing on your mind. However, according to Dr. Raj Patel

"Exercise offers many benefits in the treatment of Chronic Lyme disease.  The treatment of Lyme and its co-infections (regardless of the modality used i.e. antibiotics, herbs, rife, etc.) results in a significant load of toxic byproducts in the tissues and lymphatic system.  These byproducts include remnants of dead bacteria as well as the heavy metals and chemicals being released as the Lyme load is reduced.  The body mounts an inflammatory immune response to these bacterial remnants which is responsible for the well known "Herxheimier's reaction."  Exercise, through increased circulation and lymphatic drainage, enables the body to more quickly and efficiently rid itself of these substances, and thereby reduce the length and intensity of the herx reactions.

Another potential benefit of exercise, when done correctly, is that it can raise your core body temperature, and thereby aid in eradicating these infections.  We know from research that borrelia, the Lyme bacteria, thrives in certain areas of the body like the sinuses, collagen tissue underneath the skin, and joints and ligaments due to their scarce blood flow and lower temperature.  Proper exercise enables one to raise his core body temperature for a sustained period of time."

I have found Dr. Patel's evaluation of Lyme and Exercise to be an accurate assessment for me. When I am having a "good day" I have been walking on a treadmill at a very slow pace and then sitting in a sauna. Shortly following my workout I will take a nap for a couple of hours. Even with this simple exercise plan my body will herx and I may not be able to exercise again for several days.

I encourage you to find an infrared sauna or hot yoga place and utilize the benefits of infrared heat. If you are unable to do yoga, just remain in child's pose and let your body detox as the heat penetrates your body. Drink loads of filtered water and take a warm shower afterwards. REST IS ESSENTIAL. Do not choose a time to exercise or sauna when you have errands or work directly after. You must allow your body to rest in order to lessen your herx.

To learn more read Dr. Wilson's information on Parasympathetic Healing

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