Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Never Alone

I rarely know how to start my posts, but I know I want to share. I want to share my story and updates of my walk with Lyme Disease so that others who are trying to navigate through Lyme, either themselves or with someone they love, know that they are not alone. Their symptoms are real. The pain is tremendous. The journey is very often long and treacherous. That being said, I believe with all my heart that there is hope!

Today starts my 6 month of treatment with Longevity Health. It has been up and down, up and down, up and down. My last post was about nearly throwing in the towel, but I decided to stay in the ring and go the distance (yes, I am a bit of a boxing or really UFC fan if you can't tell by the terminology).

This past weekend I was sick, my husband was sick, my child was sick and it was my birthday. Life around here was not fun and a part of me wanted to be resentful since it was my birthday. However, I still had a great birthday! I had a great party with my family and my dad, whom I am so blessed to share my birthday with the night before. The day of my birthday, although I felt bad and bummed out because of it, was still blessed.  I had my favorite wine, gluten free pizza and watched a great movie, Nocturna,  at home with my family. The movie is a great example of how we are never alone.

Even in the darkest hour, I, we, have someone with us; who is watching over us. I believe it's God who is watching over us. And I believe everyone faces the dark in their life. Regardless of if it is physical, emotional, relational etc., there are and always will be dark times. Times that we are scared and life is hard to face. We choose how we face the dark.

In the bible Christ's disciples had many opportunities to face dark times where they were scared and uncertain what was going to happen. One such time was in Matthew 14:22-31 they were in their boat while a storm was raging. Jesus started walking toward them, but they couldn't recognize him they were so afraid. But Jesus told them not to be afraid and that it was him. He even beckoned Peter, his disciple, to get out of the boat and walk toward him in the midst of the storm. This was a seemingly crazy request. Drowning likely was imminent. What did Peter do? He obeyed! He got scared and had to cry out for help, but he obeyed regardless of the outcome. The scripture goes on to say that the disciples worshiped God. He was watching over them the entire time.

We don't always make it back to the boat and God doesn't always catch us the way we want him too. Sometimes it is so dark we are like the boy in Nocturna constantly afraid. But God, is always with us. Asking us to trust him. To not give up. To know he is in control. Even if I never get completely well, I pray that I have faith to praise God in the midst of the storm. I am pretty sure I have written about this before and that most likely I posted this song. But I am posting it again because life's storms come and go, but we choose how we respond - in fear or in trust.

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